Friday, May 31, 2013

Advice for High School

The best advice I have ever been given was from my friend, Brittney Crocker. She gave me, along with my other friends, a note about advice for High school. There were 25 different pieces of advice, but I am going to choose two. The first one that I chose says, “Get yourself involved in anything and everything, even if you know you won't be any good at it. Memories are just waiting to be made." I totally agree with this and think it is a good motto to follow. If you don't get involved, you won't try new things and if you don't try new things that you will be stuck doing the same old things. You will never know if you are super good at something until you try it. It is a lot easier said than done, but I think it's something I need to work on. Having the courage to try something new!

Some more advice she gave me is, "Don't lose each other. Stick together, but don't associate yourself with just a single clique. Branch out, so you can say 'hi' to everyone in the hallway. AND be nice to everyone, NO EXCEPTIONS!!" This, I believe, is a great piece of advice. Stick together with your friends will make things a lot easier. But you do have to be careful and not exclude anybody. This goes along with being to everyone. If you are nice to people, they will often be nice back. 

I am kind of nervous for High School, but I am very thankful for the friends, teachers and family I know. I think High School will be a great experience and lots of fun! I am going to try and make the most out of it. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

School in a perfect world

I think school is pretty fun. I get bored sometimes and so I want to create a new kind of school. A school in a perfect world.

The main thing about school is that it gets boring after having to sit for so long. I think to make this problem better we could have cushioned, rainbow chairs so we are at least comfortable. We could have access to water and food all day long, so we aren't trying to learn on an empty stomach. We can have pets kittens for everyone, that sit by our side and purr in our laps. Everyone should have a voice, so that means that if you want to put input on something there needs to be a good way to do that.

We should have a full day of school all week, but Wednesday's could be fun days. We should just do fun stuff and play games if you are all caught up in schoolwork. If you aren't caught up then you would have to work all day until you were. Finally, everyone should be required to wear foam, glittery, magical stars to light up the day. There are many other ideas that include, unicorns, rainbows, butterflies and Bob the Builder, but these are just some of them. I really enjoy school, but I still think that in a perfect world things would be a bit different.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I believe I...

I believe I can make a difference. No matter how small or who it is in, I want to make a difference. It may be in one person's life or it may be in the world. I can achieve this by working hard and staying focused. My goal is to be a person that someone will remember. I don't want to be just a mediocre, normal person. I want to make something out of my life and be remembered for that.

When I grow up I want to have a job that helps people. The reason this is, is because I love that feeling after a long days work of the thought that you just made someone's day, life or even saved their life. Making a difference can mean anywhere from feeding one hungry person to feeding 2,00,000. Anything is possible!

To fulfill this dream I need to believe in myself, be a leader, and set my mind to it. If my standards are set high and I make the right choices to accomplish all my goals, then I believe I can change something. I want to be remembered so I chose to believe that I, as one person or as a group, can change the world and make a difference in society.

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do."

“I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.” 

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."