The best advice I have ever been given was from my friend,
Brittney Crocker. She gave me, along with my other friends, a note about advice
for High school. There were 25 different pieces of advice, but I am going to
choose two. The first one that I chose says, “Get yourself involved in anything
and everything, even if you know you won't be any good at it. Memories are just
waiting to be made." I totally agree with this and think it is a good
motto to follow. If you don't get involved, you won't try new things and if you
don't try new things that you will be stuck doing the same old things. You will
never know if you are super good at something until you try it. It is a lot
easier said than done, but I think it's something I need to work on. Having the
courage to try something new!
Some more advice she gave me is, "Don't lose each other. Stick together, but don't associate yourself with just a single clique. Branch out, so you can say 'hi' to everyone in the hallway. AND be nice to everyone, NO EXCEPTIONS!!" This, I believe, is a great piece of advice. Stick together with your friends will make things a lot easier. But you do have to be careful and not exclude anybody. This goes along with being to everyone. If you are nice to people, they will often be nice back.
I am kind of nervous for High School, but I am very thankful for the friends, teachers and family I know. I think High School will be a great experience and lots of fun! I am going to try and make the most out of it.